DrinBZ | Community collective di Bolzano

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BOM Biblioteca Open Mind

The “BOM” project, or Open Mind Library. A few carefully chosen books and a space where people can meet to discuss various issues. Special attention is paid to mental health, by actively participating in improving the network between services already in the area. Our team is currently made up of twenty-five people, including psychologists, social workers, cultural workers, educators, librarians, maternity assistants, occupational therapists, sociologists, and researchers. The project is open to all.


What can they help you with....

Piccione Eventi
One talk a month targeted for the 16-35 group about a mental health topic
A design space open to all
An opportunity to develop a new narrative of the city
Opportunity to borrow carefully selected books
Networking with local services connected to the 16-35 group
Contacts: bom39100@gmail.com

Where are they: Viale Trieste 30, 39100 Bolzano